Show HN: YC W23 - convert sales contracts into invoices Hi, its Anelya, cofounder and chief product officer of, my background: I started an accounting firm 10 years ago and worked with fast-growing tech companies like, Segment, TaskRabbit, CitusData, Parse, DrChrono, and hundreds of others. My cofounders are Daniel, who exited his last company, it made the top 30 biggest exit list from YC. Vinay, my other cofounder, is an expert in Machine Learning and LLMs. We learned from years of experience that converting sales contracts into recurring revenue is a painfully manual process to collect revenue. To report revenue on GAAP to have accurate reporting is a time suck. Reading contracts takes hours and is annoying and error-prone. We also have a process for bill pay. My problem was to check every bill that my clients received against the contracts. And as you might know, anyone from your company can sign a contract and the company is obligated to pay? I had ...