Show HN: CoDiff 0.2

Show HN: CoDiff 0.2 Hello, everyone! We posted on HackerNews a couple of weeks ago debuting CoDiff ( ), a productivity tool centered around your code. Since then, we’ve received a lot of useful feedback from the community that we have integrated with our product. Now, even as an individual, CoDiff ( ) can boost your productivity by notifying you as soon as your local changes conflict with upstream commits. Conversely, if you do not see a conflict marker on your files within CoDiff, you can rest assured that you will be able to push or pull without any merge conflicts -- guaranteed. In addition, we’ve fixed all of the cross-platform bugs that were reported to us - again, thank you everyone for your feedback! We’d love if you could give our product a try and submit feedback right here, within CoDiff itself, or by emailing us at April 29, 2019 at 05:12AM


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