Show HN: Never forget what you've learned

Show HN: Never forget what you've learned Save All uses quizzes, notifications, and emails to stop you forgetting what you've learned. Unlike other spaced repetition apps, we've (really) prioritised making Save All as simple as possible - minimalist design, no distractions, and minimal cognitive load placed on users. We achieve this simplicity by using machine learning (e.g. large language models like BERT, GPT) to reduce the number of decisions users have to make. You don't have to decide whether you remembered a card, we know whether you did. You don't have to decide how to be quizzed on your information, we'll decide for you. We're VC funded & growing fast but would love to hear HN's critical feedback. Tell it to us how it is! May 25, 2022 at 09:34PM


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